Vanakkam Germany:Your Complete Expat Guide to Germany | Vanakkam Germany


VANAKKAM GERMANY is your one-stop platform for all the questions you might have about LIFE IN GERMANY as an EXPAT.

We have come up with simplified answers to all your queries regarding Rules and regulations, Starting your Business, Taxes, Insurance and Investment in Germany.


To make your LIFE AS AN EXPAT IN GERMANY, a tad bit easier

New to Germany

If you are new to Germany, or planning to come to Germany on long-term plans, here is a list of things you should know, to make your settling-in effortless. Here you could find the informations relevant to settling in Germany. The list below will give you a overview for the basic needs in your first couple of months.

Finding a home and moving

You might have come to Germany with a limited contract on an apartment or decide to move into a better apartment once you are here. You might also be looking for a home already from your home country.

Germany City Registration
Germany City Registration

City Registration

Every new citizen in a city (that means, also when you move inside of Germany from one city to another) has to register himself at the city hall(Rathaus) in the first couple of days of arrival.

Cell phone

Once you are done with settling up, you need to stay connected and keep in touch with friends and family. When you are new to the country, you might have no sim card at all.

Germany City Registration
Germany Family Reunion Visa

Opening a bank account​

It is one of the first steps after moving into a new country to choose a bank that fits your needs and open up an account. Varying from a current to a savings account all major banks offer these facilities.Once you have an address you should open a bank account ASAP, because you are going to need it.

Getting (mandatory) Health Insurance

German citizens are lucky to have their medical needs covered through a government-mandated insurance system. This means that you MUST pay for insurance. You will be asked for your insurance documents at many points during your time in Germany – at work, at college, or even when you are traveling, if there should arise a need.

private health insurance
English Tax Software

Getting ready to work – The Tax Office

For you to be able to find a job and receive a salary, you definitely need some information from the tax office. Once you are settled in, you need the tax office at different points of time in your life in Germany, for filing your tax returns, or to claim your tax refunds.

All you need for your new apartment in Germany

Once you find a room or an apartment, depending on the type of accommodation and contract you have, you will have a few tasks at hand. This does not just mean furnishing your house and paying the rent but also finding your energy provider, gas supplier, and such tasks.

Elena Orlowski
Von Natur aus bin ich eher ein skeptischer Typ würde ich behaupten, sodass ich gerne alles hinterfrage. Bei Kaufentscheidungen prüfe ich vorab also immer ganz genau, was mich erwartet. Da man dennoch immer wieder enttäuscht wird, haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Kaufentscheidung für unsere Leser zu vereinfachen, indem wir Produkte auf Herz und Nieren prüfen, testen und vergleichen! Wir geben dir die Hilfe für deine Kaufentscheidung, auf die du dich verlassen kannst!


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